Sunday, April 27, 2008

Project 2 : Mind Mapping

The keyword of my design is 'misery'. I googled the word to have a clear idea on how am I suppose to represent it in my design. I look for photos and videos since both of the mediums would give a direct interpretation for the word. Here are the results:

Based on my interpretation, I recognize that all of these mediums have something in common which can be translated as the negative values. Even at the last pic, the font used as well as the colour is actually the direct translation of the hardness which a person have to face when the word misery is involved. Therefore, the adjectives which I am gonna use for my design are :

unhappiness, despair, distress, grief, suffering, depression, torture, agony, gloom, sadness, discomfort, torment, hardship, sorrow, woe, anguish, melancholy, desolation, wretchedness

These are all the elements which would be translated into the interior part of my design. As for the outside, it would be just a plain normal, like nothing bad is happening inside.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Project 2: Updates from the 1st post

Since this project need to be finished in a short period of time, I have to work fast in order for me to have my work submitted. Therefore, here come the update for my new narrative for the Dutch Painting - The Milkmaid ( check the previous post just in case you do not know what am I talking about).

' The mother's misery ended when she brilliantly decided to poison the daily breakfast '

Yes finally, I have came to something which I guess very suitable to describe the painting. Well, the concept here is just simple. If the Taj Mahal is made because of love from Shah Jahan to her beloved wife, Mumtaz Mahal, mine going to be a 'cubicle' made of frustration, despair and full of miseries! In other words, i will design a place where it looks ok, nothing is happening from the outside BUT it is the other way round when we go inside. This is just to represent the mother (who is actually the milkmaid). She looks fine, with her always fake smile, doing her daily house chores just like normal. However, deep inside, she is totally different, a person who always in despair, frustration of her life and having a critical self-conflicts!

Well, this is just my concept and it is still at the beginning stage. Gotta get working! Anyway, have a look at one of the most wonderful architectures in the world, a place represents the LOVE of Shah Jahan to her dearest Mumtaz Mahal.....TAJ MAHAL.


Friday, April 25, 2008

Project 2 : Room and Narrative

"Look at this painting, assume that you are a cultural detective, and start thinking about a narrative which can describe about what you have seen".

I am still have not finalised my narrative. At the moment, this is what i can say about the painting;

"A heartbroken wife who had been cheated by her husband, planning to commit suicide by pouring poison into the family's breakfast".

I know it sounds lame, but i will come back to this post and change it with a new one. Oh ya, this is actually another 'boring' rough idea for my final model. Do not worry, this is not my final one!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Project 1: Mother's House

Students are divided into a group of two or three to do 'an architecture investigation' on a selected building. As for my partner, Paul Pang and I, we have to study about Venturi's Mother's House.
Section A

Section B

Plan - Ground Floor

Plan - First Floor

Here are some of the photos of the model which taken during the day of the presentation: