My Art Gallery

The entrance - when u look straight, it looks like a pathway; a representation of the 'pathway by the King St.'

Front Facade - A unique and different facade to attract people attention.

Overall view - front angle

Overall view - back angle

Overall view - Bird's eyes

Lighting 1 - This is where I'm gonna place my photographs. Both side of the walls ( glass and concrete). The same photographs are used just to give a different way of viewing it ( concrete wall: plain background, glass: people walking around as the background). The paintings gonna be placed at the other walls. After discussion with Ainsley, artificial lights are used in order to avoid damage on the paintings.

Lighting 2 - Inner courtyard for having any functions such as cocktail party or art exhibition. There is a small garden for making that place look lively rather than plain.

Lighting 3 - Skylight is used at the grand staircases.

Lighting 4 - A small slot to let the natural light come in. Top cubicle : small-toilet, big-bedroom. Bottom: Store (darker room), Workshop (with light)

Lighting 5 - The light shines into the windows. There are two windows, one at the living hall at the top and another one is at the workshop.

The office at the ground floor.

Lighting 6 - Skylight is used for the sculpture ( the sculpture is placed on top of the platform).

Exploded Axonometric, Scale 1:100

Scale 1:100

Scale 1:100

Scale 1:100

Interior 1 - The place for the sculpture, Scale 1:50

Interior 2 - Inner courtyard, Scale 1:50
Additional facts:
- The roofs (both the gallery and the apartment) are slanted to the middle ( skylight at the grand staircase) to let the water to flow into the gutter which is placed at the meeting point.
- Another gutter is placed at the glass roof at the photographs section. That is why it is slanted to the wall.
Emmm....rekabentuk yang agak menarik. Kelihatan simple tetapi masih ada unsur tersendiri. Well done and good luck
That model is amazing!
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