After the presentation and the consultation session with the tutors, there are a few things that need my immediate attention in order to achieve successful result with my final design. This is need to be revised and proper solution need to be presented during the Schematic Concept Exercise. They were:
1. Location.
My proposed location of the pavillion need to be revised back in order to enhance the my concept which is "Convict's Circuit". Basically, my concept is about creating a pavillion as a representation of the convict's history at the Cockatoo Island. The reason I choose this as my main argument is because if we tracking back the history, we can see that the convicts were atually the backbone of the island where mostly all of the buildings on the island were there due to their hardworks. However, to my surprise, there were minimal story-telling about the convicts in the island besides the Barracks, Mess Hall and some other buildings with no detail explanations about what were actually the had to go through at that particulat time.
Thus, my main intention here is re-create back the history through a story telling, not by having a narrator but through the expression of feeling by using architecure and lights. My intention is to create different feeling through out the journey inside the pavillion which at the same time, telling them about what were actually happened during the convicts era.
Therefore, in order to maximise the quality of the exploration, I need to place my pavillion to somewhere where evertyhing is related to my story-telling, giving the oppurtunity for the viewers to straight away relating their interpretation and imagination with the real history.
My first proposed location was near the entrance (at the Plaza) but that doesnt seemed to be perfect because of the environment there did not potrays what I wanted to create inside my pavillion.
2. Concept Model
I try to show an abstractness that I need to potray through my concept model, since my story telling about the history is being done by using the abstract interpretation by using different light quality. However, after the consultation process with the tutors, by following the same orientation of the original building would actually enhancing my concept, and making it more perfect to be placed at that particular site. Besides, it is actually a way of reminiscing back the older days through architecture, a way of showing relationship between architecture and the local context.
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